kone, otis, mitsubishi의 원스톱 엘리베이터 부품 공급업체…




$ 18.00$ 246.00

Genuine Toshiba elevator accessories two-in-one light curtain SSGM-154TF-DC-24 safety touch panel P008 P015

SKU: 632475504699 범주:


Brand: Toshiba

Category: Two-in-one light curtain P005 (with Sansi label)

Two-in-one light curtain P018 (with Sansi label)

Two-in-one light curtain P005 (without Sansi label)

Two-in-one light curtain P018 (without Sansi label)

Retrofit single light curtain

Single single light curtain box

Labeled and unlabeled is only the difference between a label paper, the others are exactly the same.

P018 type light curtain (with ears) is suitable for Toshiba CV330/320/180 elevators.

P005 type light curtain (without ears) is suitable for Toshiba CV620 elevator.

The above are all two-in-one light curtains. If you only want a single light curtain, you can replace it with Weike light curtain 917A61 (contact customer service for details)


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가장 먼저 리뷰를 작성하세요.SSGM-154TF-DC-24

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문의하기: sales@oneelevator.com

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  • 주소:Puhui Road shangcheng International Building, Jiangyin, China,214431 전화:(+86)180-6146-4200
  • 이메일: sales@oneelevator.com

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